The high cost of fuel continues to plague CVEA members. We cannot control the cost of fuel. We can, however, work to lessen our reliance on fuel for power generation, and it is with this goal in mind that CVEA continues to work toward its vision to reduce or eliminate our dependence on fossil fuel and to stabilize the Cooperative's cost of generation with regional, sustainable resources.

CVEA believes hydropower is the most viable and cost-effective renewable resource and has continued to aggressively move the Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project forward since efforts began in 2008. 

Allison Creek promises several renewable energy benefits. The project will:

  • displace 725,000 gallons of fuel annually when it is commissioned in 2016

  •  eliminate 12,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually

  •  allow Solomon Gulch Lake to store more water going into the winter 

  • generate 15 million kWhs to increase CVEA's renewable energy portfolio from 50 to 64 percent of total generation requirements

  • provide benefits for generations

This website was created to keep you informed of the progress of the project. You can access historical reports and articles written for Ruralite Magazine to keep members informed. We will keep this page up to date with important information as we move through the construction phase of the project.

Can't find what you are looking for or have a question? Please contact us.


The first construction season of the Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project ended mid-November. Every g...