Construction Update-October 2015

The Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project will soon finish its second construction season and the project remains on track for a 2016 start. This year's construction focused around the diversion structure, the penstock and the inside work at the power house. This year, the diversion structure took shape and received over 1000 cubic yards of concrete. We completed the installation of all  penstock pieces, except about 20 that will be installed in 2016. Remember each piece of pipe is approximately 40 feet in length and will ultimately be made up of 171 pieces and will be 1 and 1/4 miles long. The power house started this season as an empty building. It now houses a bridge crane, main shutoff valve, the bifurcation valve, the turbine housing, the pelton wheel, the generator stator and rotar, and other equipment. In addition, the dispatch office and restroom have been built and the heating and ventilation ducting have been installed. It has also been wired for lighting, production of power, communications, controls, cameras, transformers, and much more.